A cool start and little waves. Temps will hit low 20’s later and the swell? Well, doesn’t look like much on offer for a few days.
Got a few pics below from Snapper giving an indication of how small it may be for a little longer. There is a predicted Southerly for later in the day but best wait to see whether this generates anything of worth.
Ever stop and take a breath for a moment to notice the smaller, simpler things around us like the shell for example? It’s not the prettiest shell I’ve ever seen but on closer inspection, when you look at the ridges in it and how they are formed, it’s intriguing…
How are they made?… Seashells are the external skeletons of a class of marine animals called Mollusks. Where people have our skeletons on the inside of our bodies, mollusks have theirs on the outside of theirs. To read the full article on this, go to www.seashellsandsuch.com.
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