Many of the beaches on the Gold Coast have been closed… boo!
But the surf has been awesome (at the points anyway), yay!. It’s been a pretty good time for surfers, if your up to the task that is, but if you are and you don’t mind a bit of a crowd, then you have probably been having the time of your life lately. However, it is hard to get a wave to yourself on days like this, with great swell but only firing on the points, everyone it seems is trying to get in on the action….at the points! Is it time for the artificial reefs?
How do we overcome the issue of over crowding?
We have seen a lot of people at the points lately, some aggression, and a lot of close calls…. pretty hard to surf around a hundred heads bobbing up on your wave. There is plenty of talk about the artificial reefs at the moment, as well as wave pools, implemented right this could be a boon for the surfing industry, done poorly, and it could be detrimental to the environment.
There are plenty pros and cons for both sides, but until the solution is found one way or the other, just chill and be careful out there. Surfing is meant to be enjoyable.
@local_surfer maybe it’s time to take up #kitesurfing ?
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