Hi Guys,
As you can see the new site has now gone live… This is the first post! The layout was chosen for a cleaner look and easier updating. Now you can see larger and crisper images, comment and put your opinion on these, and we are working to see the comment carry over to facebook as well.
If you do wish to view the old site you can do so by following these links:-
localsurfer galleries – You can still access all the images from the old version of the site here . Eventually I would like to pull in the old images into this version.
localsurfer directories – This directory will be brought over to this new site first.
localsurfer home page – The home page is still available for you to view but the future updates will be carried out on this new version of the site.
localsurfer clubs and community – Board rider club and community information is here
Please bear with us as the new site is slowly implemented and if you come across any errors (links missing or shooting off to the wrong page) then please email these to us: support@localsurfer.com.au
To start the update off here is another list of our favourite images, some you may have seen, some which may be new to you.
Interesting new layout for your site, totally different to the old one
Hope you like it. It should be quite interactive, allowing access for people to add/update their own content.
its clean