Coolangatta Rocks on is alive and kickin’ over this long weekend, get down there and see the cars (over 1000 cars and hot rods), dancing and all good things from the 50’s and 60’s. They reckon upwards of 90,000 people will pour into the streets of Cooly (which are closed to traffic) so be prepared to walk. The organisers are bringing in some of the Goldcoast’s surfing history and culture as well.
The weather has definitely been cooling lately with lows of 8-10 deg for some mornings. We had some sun during the week which was enough to raise the temps to around 20 ish, but that was only in the sun, once in the shade it dropped again to chill…. being on the Goldie we can get away with boardies and a rashie pretty much all year but maybe cause I’m aging, I think these are now wettie times.
go Grimace, you are a beast!