A beautiful start to the day on the Gold Coast. Some light SSW winds early leaving the surf a bit messy, it will probably deteriorate a little more as the day wears on as these winds will turn Easterly.
Thoughts go to SA and Victoria who are forecast for another stinker of a day… especially SA, due to have the hottest day on the Planet today.
On the warmest summer days, you may hear someone say: “it’s a hundred degrees in the shade.” It’s an old-fashioned phrase with an unintended kernel of insight.
Air temperatures must be measured out of direct sunlight because the materials in and around the thermometer can absorb radiation and affect the sensing of heat. You feel this with your own body: if you stand in direct sunlight, you feel warmer because your skin is being heated by both the air and by the radiant energy from the Sun.
To make an air temperature reading according to the World Meteorological Organization standard (PDF), a thermometer must be situated 1.2 to 2 meters off the ground and shielded from direct sun—though it cannot be placed in the shade of a building, mountain, or tree either.
Read more, go to http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/HottestSpot/page2.php
I’ve taken a hiatus for the Holidays but thought would share a few pics from Burleigh. These are few shots taken on this overcast, rain filled morning, using my phone. It’s amazing how good these things are! Would be a lot nicer with some sun and some clean waves… we might get that later today.
For your interest here are some phone facts, some nice, some not so, but still awesome technology changing our world… Did you know:-
– Over 250 million Nokia 1100 devices were sold, making it the bestselling electrical gadget in history.
– In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the U.S. at almost $4,000 each.
– Apple sold 340,000 iPhones per day in 2012.
– Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
– In Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower.
– Mobile Phone Radiation can cause Insomnia, headaches and confusion.
– Scientists have developed a way of charging mobile phones using urine.
– The first mobile phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola inventor.
– Apple’s iPhone has higher sales than everything Microsoft has to offer.
– Your phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.
– More People In The World Have Mobile Phones Than Toilets.

I want chips